The Lutheran Today received
with surprise a rejoinder written in reaction to a story in her May/June/July
Edition of 2015. The Rejoinder signed by Yahaya Jangawe the Secretary of Ganye
Tradition Council (GTC) which was published by Indigo Newspapers of August
11th-20th, 2015. The rejoinder was seen to be a deliberate attack on the Bishop
and the Church and clearly defied the focus and aim of our Publication which is
to communicate to our readers what goes on in the church and the society as it
relates to or affects the church. As a church publication, we publish news and
stories for edification of brethren, equipping them with information and the promoting
of the Goodnews of Jesus Christ. We are not propaganda medium or a voice of dissention
neither are we secular publication that is selfish with the truth. Haven said
that, we are up and doing in promoting cultural awareness, social justice and
political orderliness in the society. Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria
(LCCN) a church of over 100 years in Nigeria is known for its role in the
promotion of healthcare, education, cultural sustainability and enlightenment
especially in and around Adamawa state. Therefore Lutheran Today stands on this
established belief.
Ordinarily the Lutheran
Today would not have said a word on what the Ganye Traditional Council
Secretary wrote. The tune of the write-up has left one to wonder if actually
Yahaya Jangawe was directed to write what he wrote as a Secretary of the Chiefdom
presenting the position of the Chiefdom. Whether it was the position of the GTC
or it was that of an overzealous employee, as long as what was carried in the
August 11th -20th rejoinder remains; for some obvious
reasons we must put straight thus this writing.
Firstly, as Christians
we feel it is objectionable and thoughtless for anyone to label unfounded
allegation of corruption against our spiritual father. The allegation published
in the rejoinder that the Bishop Rt. Rev Isaiah I. Lerum bribed King-makers to
favour a candidate in the choice of who becomes the District Head of Timdore is
seen as a deliberate blackmail and ill-will from the GTC, and also a direct
attack on the reputation of the church. The rejoinder stated that the Bishop
gave “big gifts” to some Kingmakers in order to influence their choice of who becomes
the District Head. We wonder if the writer of the rejoinder or his sponsors has
any prove to these allegations.
As a result of this,
the church (LCCN) should investigate this allegation starting by requesting
evidence of the “big gifts” from the GTC. The Secretary of the GTC should
provide the church with this prove so that the church will take necessary
sanctions on the Bishop as this involves the integrity of the priesthood; or
else the Church should demand that where there is no prove to this allegation
the GTC must tender a formal apology to the Bishop and to the Church within
four weeks and make it public in at list five National Dailies.
The GTC should be reminded that in the real
world of responsible people, the GTC as a responsible Institution as it were,
should have tendered an unreserved apology to the Bishop for hastily making
assertions that is blackmailing and defaming to the Bishop Isaiah Lerum and the
Church as an Institution.
The Bishop as reported
by the Lutheran Today did not mention
the case of Timdore but the reporter wrote based on further findings, and to
have attributed it to the Bishop shows that the GTC has preconceived grievances
or hatred for him. Nonetheless, many thanks to the GTC Secretary for
vindicating our reporter by telling the world more on that matter and
elaborating that among the four contestants of Timdore District Head seat there
but only one Christian whom actually was repudiated.
In this enlightened era
it is interesting to hear a highly placed person speaking on behalf of a great
institution such as the GTC, asking the question why it was only Bishop Isaiah
Lerum that could break the uneasy silence over a wrong practice which has
gradually metamorphose into a tradition; as if to dodge the reality on ground.
But this is a transparent subterfuge attempting to cover the fact that a wrong
thing have been going on all this while. While it is hoped that the Bishop has
helped the GTC in breaking this silence that would one day have been a catastrophe,
however, one should answer according to the rhetorical question raised.
That the Bishop’s
predecessors’ never said anything on the matter have not made the wrong
practice right or acceptable by the Christians anyway. The Bishop’s predecessors
would not have suspected that this wrong practice would eventually be perpetuated;
it does not mean that they were totally comfortable with it entirely. If nobody
ever sees that keeping silence on the matter was not good for the coexistence
of the Chamba society, the Secretary or the GTC should not think that Bishop
Isaiah Lerum should not speak out when the uneasy silence has obviously become
too loud.
One would therefore be
compelled to conclude from the tune of the Secretary’s presentation of this
same question that there has been an unspoken embargo that has cunningly been
placed on this matter by the GTC, against the unsuspecting Christian Community
or its leadership that no one dares raise it or face been labeled a traitor.
Also, the rejoinder
stated that there was a “baseless allegation” which was termed as “unwarranted outburst
against the royal father”. This is seen as a direct attack on the personality
of His Lordship Bishop Isaiah Lerum and deliberate attempt to join issues that
has no bearing on the subject matter. It was further stated that “the reckless
and unguarded utterances and activities of the Bishop both within LCCN
community and outside are capable of igniting social unrest…” This also is a
serious allegation that the church must seek explanation from the GTC. The Council
should tell the Church what the so called “activities…both within LCCN
community and outside” are. Where particularly would the GTC point at that the
Bishop has caused any undue pandemonium in the society? They should be
requested to explain.
When the rejoinder
stated that the Bishop should be “cautioned and monitored closely” what did the
GTC mean? Who is the Council calling upon to caution the Bishop, and scarier is
who should monitor him? The Church has to take this matter seriously as well. If
someone is calling on whosoever he refers to, to monitor the Bishop, we know
that is a red alert. Therefore these words should not be taken for granted.
What did the GTC means by monitoring the Bishop? The Church LCCN and the entire Christian body are hereby called upon to
have it in record that someone has written a threatening note on His Lordship
the Bishop of Bonotem Diocese Rt. Rev Isaiah I. Lerum. By this statement we
cannot be sure what they can do to the Bishop.
Another one is the
historical explanation the rejoinder tried to give. One wonders if there is any
chronology in the history referred to. For Lutheran
Today, we would reserve this for the Chamba people to put their History
straight. Nonetheless, the rejoinder mentioned that the Church (Both Lutheran
and Catholic) frowned at traditional rulership and termed it “retrogressive”
but also contradicted that Gang Philip Maken and Gang Paul Hammawa were rulers
in Chamba land. It stated that the
indirect rule system gave shape to the “fragmented” Chamba society. So the Chamba
people do not have history of organized system until colonialism? In other
words Chamba people were stateless! The rejoinder said, “The fact that all the
18 District heads in the Chiefdom are Muslims is not the fault of the Chief as
the system was inherited from the British.” The rejoinder also stated that
“Bishop Isaiah Lerum should bear in mind the Government law regulating the
selection of all traditional rulers in the chiefdom…” Is it government’s law
that said one must be Muslim before he is made a District Head or Village head
in Chamba land?
All the rulers/District
Heads that died recently in Chamba land were they not replaced by their own
biological children? Why was the Timdore case different? The rejoinder refused or avoided to state
that Chamba people have a name for King as “Gang” or “Gara” which today the
Gangwari and Gara-Donga are bearing. Is it that the writer is so ignorant of
the History of the people he is representing or sentiment has impaired his sense
of good judgment? The issue of Religion being a factor in Chamba rulership is a
contemporary thing and it started with the generation of the present Gangwari
whose father became the paramount ruler in Chamba land only lately in 1975. Every
student of history knows that he was made to be Gangwari because he is Chamba
and of course he represented Chamba Traditional Institution not Islamic
Institution. All Chamba people irrespective of religion supported him.
The GTC left their writing
so porous that those who would wish to ask questions will have unending
questions to ask. What we have is Ganye Traditional Council and not Ganye
Emirate Council therefore Bishop Isaiah Lerum the Christian Leader of
the Land has every reason to say what he said, “what is good for the gander is
also good for the goose.” Was it only the Chamba people that were colonized under
the indirect rule? Should one be proud to base his argument on a system that
was meant to achieve some limited purposes? Even if there was an arrangement
between British and Northern Nigeria obviously it was for the British
administrative convenience not for Chamba institutional perpetuation. The GTC
surely did not appreciate the antecedence of the indirect rule; may be that is
why they are referring to it. The rejoinder also said the word “apostate” was
an insult, but haven searched for a word to use to refer to one who renounces
his faith we found none other suitable than that. So GTC should know that apostasy is apostasy irrespective of who committed it.
While it is expected
that people should be proud of their culture, it shocking and surprising where
a throne is called Traditional and yet run based on one particular religion. It
is also surprising how Muslim is a man who has lived a greater part of his as a
devout Christian and only became a Muslim as prerequisite to ascending a
rightful tradition throne. It is perplexing that the Chamba whose recent
preceding generation fought for their liberation not along religious line but
their ethnic identity, are today seeking relevance in religion which is
phenomenon that rather tier than uniting them. If it is true that there was a decided
system given down from “British colonial system” one wonders why there was Gang
Philip Maken and Gang Paul Hammawa. And the question rises, what exactly is
that system “inherited from British” that could be so admirable in the 21st
century Nigerian democratic era?
It is obvious the
Chamba people unlike their Counterparts Numan, Guyuk and others in the colonial
southern Adamawa are in their new era of colonial rule where one has to
renounce a religion before ascending a throne. That is a pity in this 21st
Century democratic era where fundamental human right cuts across religious
No one should say that
Christians are not sidelined in selection of District Heads and even lower rulers
in Chamba land. If the record of the GTC is correct, out the four eligible candidates
of Timdore District only one was a Christian. Fairness demands that since all
the 17 other District Heads in Chamba land are Muslims this one person who obviously
is closer to the late District Head by virtue of being the first Son should
have automatically ascended his father’s throne. District Heads, Village Heads
and even the Gangwari HRH Alhaji Umaru Adamu Sanda are direct beneficiaries of
father-to-son inheritance of the throne; why was the Timdore case different?
If the Chamba people are running an exclusive “Emirate”
system (which of course is the colonial platform) as they seem to assert, let
the world know so that the name Traditional Council will be removed
and making the setup open to all eligible Muslim. If that is done all
Christians will stay away and never would ask further question, because for today’s
Christians who know what is right, would rather remain a Christian than being
an apostate in order to become a District Head. But before they do that, they
should also remember that some notable Chamba Christians have fought (some with
their lives) to ensure that a Chamba traditional institution is maintained.
In the LCCN we have first
class Chiefs whose area was more directly under British indirect rule system
(unlike Chamba land that was annexed from the German colony) and even a
District Head who is under an Islamic system like in Borno and was never asked
to become Muslim. If Chamba people in recent past have shown lack of will and lack
of character, Bishop Isaiah Lerum their kinsman has called them to wake up. In
the history of LCCN we have witnessed a number of prominent Lutherans including
clergymen of Chamba native whose apostasy did not petrify the church in anyway.
If one wants to become a Muslim let him be. After all in Christianity one is
shown the way and not forced to be for any kind of earthly gain or benefit. “For
what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” (Matt
16:26). Again, for it is shameful to ask someone to convert to another religion
simply because there is a traditional stool to inherit!
To this end we
therefore wish to tell our Christian brothers in Chamba land to continue to
insist on the right thing. They have demonstrated unwavering support for their
fatherland and should continue to do so; but must not be relegated to the
backseat when it comes to who becomes a leader. This idea of a Christian must
become a Muslim before he ascends an inherited throne must STOP! And they
should ask where they deserve. Bishop Isaiah Lerum also a Chamba man has not
offended anyone and no one should call for his head as some are already doing.
Chamba people unite and save your land from decay, protect your heritage and
build a strong inter-religious system where the only thing that matters will be