LCCN Elected New Bishops in three Dioceses

Elections of Bishops
The first three weekends in August were engaged with elections at three Dioceses out of the nine Dioceses in LCCN. There were elections in Bonotem Diocese, Gongola Diocese and Yola Diocese.
The Elections started on the 3rd of October, 2015 at the Gongola Diocese. At the end of the election Rev. Dr. Peter Bartemawus was elected as Bishop. Rev Dr. Peter Bartemawus who is presently a lecturer at the Bronnum Lutheran Seminary Mbamba holds a PhD in Theology from Luther Seminary Minnesota USA. He has served as the Provost of the Bronnum Lutheran Seminary and he is the immediate past Academic Dean of the Seminary.  
Rte. Rev John Kenan has been elected two terms in Gongola Diocese; he was also a lecturer at the Bronnum Seminary before he was elected ten years ago.
On the 10th of October, 2015 elections took place at the Bonotem Diocese where Rev Jediel Nyenbenso was elected Bishop. Rev Nyenbenso has served as the Chairman of LCCN Mission Field in Abuja when he was the District Pastor in charge of Bauchi. Just before the creation of Abuja Diocese he was moved to be became the Chairman of LCCN Taraba Mission field. Rev Nyenbenso returned to his home diocese in Bonotem Diocese when Taraba became a Diocese. Rev Nyenbenso is a Dean in Bonotem Diocese before his election.
Rte. Rev Isaiah Lerum the sitting Bishop of Bonotem Diocese have served three tenures as Bishop of Bonotem Diocese.
In Yola Diocese the elections took place on the 17th October, Rt. Rev. Amos Yakubu the siting Bishop was reelected for 5 year tenure. Rt. Rev Yakubu will finish his first tenure in office in February 2016 and will proceed to start tenure.
The elected Bishop will be installed in February 2016 at the annual national convention of the church in Demsa. In LCCN Bishops are elected to serve five year tenure after which fresh elections will be conducted.

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