July Editorial

The new phase hostility against the church in Nigeria is an issue of great concern to the Christian community. This though not a new trend calls for serious in-looking seeing that those who have taken themselves against the church do so without feeling any fear for the law of the land which gives everyone the right to freely practice his/her religion. In a civilized generation like today and in a nation of multi-religion like Nigeria, it is expected that everyone had learnt the need to live together without any form of rancor or intolerance.
A lady was attacked and killed in Kano over an accusation of blasphemy by a Muslim mob. This act though was condemned by Islamic society in Nigeria did not in any way deter others from attacking and killing a pastor in Nasarawa state. Successively, a lady preacher was stabbed to dead in Kubwa a suburb of Abuja. After this a church was razed down in Niger state over a flimsy reason that they conducted a service programme on a Friday.
There is no doubt that some other people in Nigeria have continue to live in fear of practicing their religion because of the intolerant nature of some people. This kind of occurrences have in many ways continued to affect the fragile trust of relationship between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria.
In its 2016 edition of a globally respected report of The Open Doors World Watch List Nigeria has listed among top 50 countries where it is most difficult to live as a Christian. In the report put the level of hatred for the church is three categories “of Extreme, Very high and High” and Nigeria is ranked in the 2nd degree of Very High intolerant to Christians.
Today Nigerian Christians are feeling unprotected in Muslim dominated communities. Some of the communities that seemed friendly in the past have suddenly turned hostile as if to say the time for hostility against the church is now ripe in Nigeria.
What informed this kind of attitude by the perpetrators is still not very clear. But the church is not also unaware of the end-times, where such hatred for the sons of God shall abound; about this the Bible made clear that Christians will suffer persecutions. “They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.”(John 16:2)
Despite all these the church must remain steadfast and prayerful. Loving one another and encouraging the family of believers. This is time where the church will be more united in Nigeria. In the same voice speak against all form of wickedness against the church and preach peace and salvation whether at the point of dead.
Pastors should become bolder to face the antics of the devil and tear his kingdom apart. Let the words of salvation be heard in every home in Nigeria and beyond. Speak to the hearts of all and conscience of everyone about the loving salvation of the son of God. Let the church members support evangelism and get involved in it. The media is medium for the message.
Christ died for all so that everyone may be saved let the Christians not fear that they are being killed, “for the world awaits earnestly the manifestation of the sons of God.”

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