Poverty is not an assurance of salvation – His Grace Most Rev Musa Panti Filibus PhD presented a sermon at Kala’a

His Grace Most Rev Musa Panti Filibus
Photo:Felix Samari
His Grace Most Rev Dr. Musa Panti Filibus delivered a sermon on the 17th of June, 2017 at LCCN Cathedral Kala’a during his official visit to the Arewa Diocese. Taking text from Luke 16:19 – 31 according the Lutheran lectionary 2017 the Archbishop read the Luke’s account of the Parable of the Lazarus and the Richman.
Commencing his sermon to the church, the Archbishop said there are several lessons to be learnt from the parable Jesus gave about the kingdom of God. He said the word frown at waste and against laziness. He said the lord is pleased to see hardworking people. He quoted 2Thassalonians 3:10 where the Apostle admonished the church not to allow the lazy among them to have their way.
Rt Rev Amos Elisha Gaya Bishop Arewa Diocese
Photo: Felix Samari
The Archbishop said the parable of Lazarus and the Richman does not celebrate poverty neither was it condemning riches. He said it is clear that poverty in the house of a believer is tormenting and can deny a believer the opportunity to preach the gospel. He quoted again 1Timothy 5:8 where it says that he that cannot provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever. He said on other hand wealth has become what has separated many from God. According to the Archbishop many have used wealth as a tool to molest and maltreat the poor in the society.
He said no matter how poor a human being can be he can never be bought or sold for a price and that no matter how rich one can be he cannot buy a human being because humans are not for sale. The Archbishop emphasized that poverty of man cannot deny him salvation as wealth of man cannot afford him salvation because salvation is not for sale.  “No one can be saved because of his poverty as no one can be saved because of his wealth because salvation is not for sale.”

 He said if it were because of the poverty of Lazarus that he entered heaven then heaven would have been filled up by the many poor people that are dying every day.
He pointed that man is saved through the redeeming grace of God that is obtained in Christ Jesus though faith alone. For all believed and are baptized they can be saved. Not because of whom they are or what they have or have not, but because of the work salvation that is given in Christ alone.

The archbishop admonished the church to focus on the free gift of God which is in Christ Jesus live relevant in this life. He charged believers to do meaningful and descent jobs that will earn them a honorable means of living for themselves and the church. He said when they are blessed with wealth they should not let that God given wealth separate from serving Him and humanity.
He said to be contented in the blessing of God Christians must understand that “Whatever we have on earth we must be good stewards to the glory of God” and “Remember that God gave us wealth to take care of ourselves and provide for others.”
The Archbishop warned against ill-gotten wealth that many people are clamoring for nowadays. He asked the church to desist from engaging in fraudulent and criminal ways of acquiring wealth. He admonished the church to work hard and maintain good Christian reputation in the society and be good stewards of the gifts and blessings of God in this world. He called on the rich to care for the less privilege as it is a good Christian virtue. “Every Christian must cultivate the mind of goodness towards others.”
The Archbishop said salvation is a personal thing as no one can inherit or bequest to other. “A Christian must learn to live like a child of God. No one gets salvation because of the family he comes. Everyone must inherit salvation through genuine repentance and walking in Christ Jesus. Walk in the light of Christ that we may not be remembered as wicked people or be reminded of our past evils in heaven.”
As a mark of respect for the special day for fathers in the world, the Archbishop wished all Fathers happy father's day. He urged mothers to remember to celebrate their husband as fathers of their children.

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