LCCN Mele: The Centenary of Jos District
LCCN Mele: The Centenary of Jos DistrictThe church was founded in 2013 the year LCCN clocked 100. It is located in Toro Local government area of Bauchi state. The people of Mele belong to the migrant tribes of the Polchi people who are believed to have migrated from Dimba in Dass area in Bauchi state.
Dean Rev Zethan R.L. Gajere the District pastor of Jos District and at the same time the Dean of Myawhegi Division paid the church a visit and the Lutheran Today was there. The Dean whose visit to the area was to see the progress of work at the building of the church was impressed by what he saw. The church building which was built through a communal effort of the members; and the Jos District supported with the roofing of the church.
At the service on that day there were 39 people in attendance most of them young people between the ages of 5 to 25, about three elderly women were in service and three other grown up men. The Dean told the Lutheran Today that the area has not received the gospel for the fear of being attacked by the surrounding Muslim communities. “We had an experience where the natives told us to wait until after the last general election before they will make decision to come to the church. They said they were aware of the plan to kill all Christians in the area. That, I am sure was just a mere romour but the elderly in this area prefer to remain as idol worshipers. Many of them have even warned their children not to come the church. Another challenge here is the issue of polygamy, though this is an issue that can be overcome with time as a result of their better understanding of the faith. Everyone takes pride in their tradition of marrying more than one wife.”
Leader of the congregation Mr. Ayuba Samuel reiterated the challenge of idol worship in the area and restriction by the elders as well as the power of the Muslim community on land ownership in the area. “We have our people who would not want to come to church they prefer to remain in idol worship. There are many that are like that but we are trying to see how we can bring them to the church with the help of God they will come to church one day. They are neither Muslims nor Christians. Another issue is that of getting of land to build a church. The Muslims own the land here; they do not want to allow us build places of worship. But we thank God we have been able to have our own church.”