Interview with Rev Omison Lazarus

Interview with Rev Omison Lazarus
As a follow up to the election in three dioceses the Lutheran seek to find out how some pastors feel about the 5 year tenure and the procedures of the elections. In an exclusive interview our correspondence met with one of the nominees at the Yola Diocese election Rev Omison Lazarus.
LT – Sir it’s my pleasure to have you for this interview, tell us your view on the recently concluded election.
Rev Lazarus -             thank you very much for this avenue given to me to air my view, but first of all I want to commend you for the good job you are doing to bringing the church to limelight. May God continue to give you more wisdom and ability to carry out this task successfully. Meanwhile I want to continue to thank God for what transpired during the election in Yola Diocese. It is now in record that Yola Diocese is a matured Metropolitan Diocese that knows what is right. We also thank God for the maturity and faith that God has given to pastors and delegates in Yola Diocese. It is because of that we have recorded such great success. I am also happy with the outcome of the election because it has given chance for the spirit of continuity.
LT – What can you say about the re-election of the Bishop?
Rev Lazarus –Yes I will like to say that the first tenure was an eye opener, the second tenure is given to him as an opportunity for him to work properly. Because people voted for him based on his personality, interaction, simplicity and his spiritual life. I also thank God for the way the pastors and delegates decided to retain him. So that God will continue to use him.
LT – Sir Can you tell us how you felt when you saw your name on the board among the nomination?
Rev Lazarus – I like this question, and I will like to respond by saying that in elections it is normal to have more than one in the race but only one must emerge victorious not that the rest are losers or are not capable and the one chosen is the best but because God has chosen him/her at that time. So I am calling on those with whom we were nominated along the Bishop to show the spirit of sportsmanship and not to consider themselves as losers but rather as people that are identified but reserved for  another time. And in that same spirit to rally round the winner for a successful tenure and for the development of the diocese and the church at large. For me, I consider my nomination as a divine introduction to the Bishopric, it is an indication that one day and if that comes I will scale through nomination. Because the office of the Bishop is an honored office which one should desire, it is Biblical. So I don’t consider myself as a loser but rather a prospective Bishop therefore my call to the nominees is to support the re-elected Bishop so that he can do better.
LT – Sir any word of advice to the re-elected Bishop?
Rev Lazarus – I will advise him to be careful with loyalty that has so much fidelity in it because it is loyalty that changes to deception. And I will like to use this medium to say a word to the newly elected Bishops of Gongola and Bonotem Diocese to be humble and be ready to work together with the ones they are taking over from it will help them to know the place of development and where they should take off. And I pray that God will guide them in their  new offices at their various dioceses, they should understand also that nobody is indispensable in the work of God for this they should allow the spirit of God to use them.
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