Archbishop Dr. Musa Filibus Praised the Church in Arewa Diocese
The Archbishop visited Arewa Diocese on the 18th of June 2017. The visit was his first official visit to any Diocese in LCCN since his assumption of office as the Archbishop and the President of the Lutheran World Federation.
In his speech to the church at the cathedral in Kala’a the Archbishop started by bringing Greetings from the headquarters of the church and the Lutheran Communion in the world. He said this was the first official visit to any Diocese after he returned from Namibia. He thanked the Bishop for giving him the opportunity to be visiting with the Diocese even at short notice.
The Archbishop said the purpose of the visit was to share in the fellowship and to encourage one other in the vineyard of God as was instructed to the apostles to continue in fellowship with one another by visiting and encouraging one another. He said with this kind of fellowship the church today would be able to bequest a good legacy for the coming generation. He also said that the visit was to have the opportunity to discuss other matters with the Bishop as it relates to the progress and development of the church.
The Archbishop said that he identify with the church and people of Arewa Diocese for all the pains and loses they incurred during the days of insurgency. He brought Condolence message for the church in particular and remembered the families of the children who were recently killed by an explosive given to them by an unidentified terrorist. He prayed that the lord will give the families fortitude to bear such lose. He strongly condemned the act of terrorism in the region and called on the people to be more watchful and careful as there are still pockets of terrorist hanging around. He condemned all kinds of bloodshed that included the killing of innocent children.
He commended the diocese for works in the church including discipleship and Theological Education by Extension (TEE). He said in the entire LCCN there is non-yet that has such developed Distance learning theological curriculum. The Archbishop also praised the effort of the Arewa Diocese for their engagement in Language preservation programme where they have continued to develop the Hoba language in publishing materials in the language.
On the prevalent Unemployment in the country, the Archbishop called on the parents and the church to join hands to support the youths to promote entrepreneurial ventures among them. He said there was no doubt that unemployment is increasing in the country and the church is the most affected. He mentioned that the youths should not be discouraged; they should be courageous enough and be resolute to do whatever they find descent and legal to the best of their ability. He charged the youth to desist from following those who will lure them with money to do what is not right. He said they are not for sale. To the young ladies he urged them to be determined to become useful citizen in the society and they should not let themselves to be used and their future destroyed.
He called for unity in the body of Christ. He said there is always need to be grateful to God and be aware of the fact that Christ had destroyed boundaries of tribal, gender, and social differences. He encouraged the church to take gathering of the brethren seriously.
The Archbishop called on leaders in the church at all levels to remain committed to their calling. He asked the leaders to be careful and do their stewardship faithfully knowing that they will have to give account of their stewardship. He asked the church to care for her workers and to support the leaders to make their woks pleasant.
On politics the Archbishop said, democracy has come to stay in Nigeria therefore, the members of the church must know their right and embrace their right. “If you did not come out to vote you have already voted; because you have decided to accept anything as the outcome of the election.”  He particularly called on the church members to ensure they have registered as voters as the registration may be closed soon. He called on all Christians from all nooks and crannies to come out and register. He also reiterated the need for everyone to get enrolled in the ongoing National Identity Card enrolment exercise. He said they must do this at the right time and soon.
He concluded by thanking the church for the prayers, he said no organization will succeed without support of the members. He thanked God for the Bishops for being ready and willing to give him the needed support. He asked the members of the congregation and the diocese to do everything as unto God.  

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