LCCN Women Fellowship marked 80years of existence

LCCN Women Fellowship marked 80years of existence
The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria Women Fellowship has clocked 80 years in 2015. The fellowship which was started in 1935 with few women today is a body that comprises of thousands of women from all over LCCN. During the 2015 annual Convention of the fellowship in Yola Mrs. Mary Solomon the National Leader of the Fellowship told Lutheran Today that the feat of the fellowship is not the one to be able to count. “We cannot count what God has done for us as a fellowship and even among ourselves as women through this fellowship.” She said the fellowship which has dedicated time and effort in building the women to better wives and mothers has taught women to be responsible citizens of the society. She said, “The Fellowship has built many women to handle their family life well and with our continued gathering, we have addressed issues that affected women generally.”
The Secretary of the Fellowship Mrs. Mary Cletus stated that the joy of women being together in fellowship is a great achievement for the fellowship. She thanked God for using them in the fellowship and for bringing them this far.
The fellowship has in the past sponsored pastors to seminary, trained women in life skills and entrepreneurship, supported widows and assisted the church in many meaningful projects. One key area of focus for the fellowship now is evangelism which they set aside a time each to go to the mission field to evangelize to the unreached people. The women fellowship is embarking on their Secretariat building which is first of its kind in the LCCN. They have reached advanced level of the building and are preparing for a fundraising which will come up on 5th of December, 2015 at the Church Headquarters in Numan.

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