Annual thanking of LCCN Arch Cathedral Numan

Annual thanking of LCCN Arch Cathedral Numan
The Archcathedral of the LCCN in Numan observed her annual thanking service on the 3rd of April, 2016 at the church auditorium within headquarters of the LCCN. Officiating the service Rt. Rev. Dr. Peter Bartimawus the Bishop of Gongola Diocese said God is worthy of the thanks of Church members at all times. According to the Archbishop the officiating Minister was doing his first assignment after his installation.
The Archbishop in his address thanked the church members for their love for the things of God. He charged them to continue in the habit of giving to God as this will further open more doors of blessings for them. He particularly thanked the dignitaries for honoring the invitation of the Archcathedral.
In his sermon Bishop Peter Bartimawus Christ redeemed Christians free of charge therefore believers should reciprocate by doing what is necessary to let other people hear about the good news. He said Christians are sure of their place of eternality then it necessary that each and every one stocks his account in heaven so that he/she may not be stranded on getting there. The bishop said “we cannot lay our treasures in heaven without giving.
During the members of the church brought their thanking according to groups. There were invited guest from within and outside Adamawa state. Some of those invited where top government official in the Adamawa state government which included Commissioners, Permanent secretaries and other leaders.

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