LCCN lost two Pastors in two weeks
The Lutheran church of Christ in Nigeria lost two pastors in two weeks. The two pastors died after brief illness. Rev Caleb Wagereng died on the 29th March, 2016 at the Federal Medical Centre Yola and Dean Rev Yakubu Joseph died on 8th April, 2016 at the Air force Hospital in Jos Plateau State. Both pastors lost died as a result blood pressure. It was reported that Rev. Caleb Artimas was very strong the previous days and suddenly started to have difficulty in breathing; he was rushed to a cottage hospital in Mayo-Belwa and later was referred to the Federal Medical Centre in Yola. Rev Caleb’s younger brother Mr Kudekam Artimas Bambiko told Lutheran Today that there was no sign that his brother going to leave them. “It was a great surprise for me, I just can’t believe it. We lost our parents in the past but the dead of my brother was too sudden. Well we know that he is rested with the lord he served.” Rev Caleb Wagereng was buried in Yelwa Wagereng Mayo-Belwa Diocese. He was born on the 1st of June, 1966 to the family of Late Rev. Artimas Labere Bambiko and Mama Safiya Artimas. He married Mrs. Finikiya Caleb. Rev Caleb is survived by seven children and one grandchild. Before his dead Rev Caleb was the Principal of LCCN Bible School Binkola.
The family of Dean Rev Yakubu Joseph was buried at his personal residence in Numan. It was reported that Rev Yakubu who was a Masters student at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria collapse and was rushed to the hospital. He recovered and returns to the school but later died on the 8th of April. The Pastor was the District Pastor of Bangsika District of Arewa Diocese. He lost his wife years ago and remarried Mrs. Papa’a Yakubu. Rev Yakubu is survived by the wife and five children and two adopted children.
The archbishop of LCCN Most Rev Nemeul Babba speaking at the two burials admonished pastors to be open and let everything in the hands of God. He said hypertension which has claimed lives of two pastors in less than one month interval should not be allowed to continue. “I know that we have a lot of pressure at work as pastors in LCCN but none of us should keep issues unresolved. Let us face hypertension and tell it that we cannot become his victim any longer. There is nothing too big for God to handle. I am calling on all pastors to speak out when there is need to do so. Do not hold things to yourself or in mind.” The Archbishop commiserated with the families of the deceased and prayed for them. He told them to remember the good lessons they have learned through the days of being together.