How Bishop Lerum Saved Bonotem election

How Bishop Lerum Saved Bonotem election
The Election into the office of Bishop in Bonotem Diocese would probably have turned into another marathon election as that of Abuja Diocese if not for the judicious intervention of the sitting Bishop Rt. Rev Isaiah Lerum. The election that was expected to be to very simple and short; considering the fact that the 2/3 votes which was 70, was not far from arriving – turned into rounds of voting. At the 4th round of voting, Rev Jediel Nyenbenso got 68 votes, it was remaining only two votes to declare him the winner but this was not possible until up to additional 10 rounds.
At the first round of voting Dean Rev Jediel Nyenbenso (the bishop elect) got 52 votes, Rt. Rev Isaiah Lerum scored 49 votes and Dean Rev Timothy Warimi 5 votes. The second round Dean Rev Jediel scored 57 votes and Bishop Lerum scored 49 votes. At round three, Dean Rev Jediel got 59 votes and Bishop Lerum 47 votes, Rt Rev Isaiah Lerum contacted the Chairman of Electoral Committee Hon. Mark Dauda in order to indicate his intention to step down from the election without necessarily waiting for the 2/3 which may be delayed, but the chairman after due consultation with his committee members asked the Bishop to allow the voting take its due course.
At round four Bishop Lerum scored 38 votes and Dean Rev Jediel 68 votes; this indicated that the election was seemingly to be over as the 2/3 of 70 was not far. But that was not so; at round 5 the same scores of 38, 68 was repeated but in round 6 it changed: Bishop Lerum scored 41, Dean Rev Jediel 65. This continued in round 7 with votes as follows: Bishop Lerum 46, Dean Jediel 59 one person missing, round 8 Bishop Lerum 46, Dean Rev Jediel 60, round 9 Bishop Lerum 47, Dean Rev Jediel 59, round 10 Bishop Lerum 46, Dean Rev Jediel 60, round 11 Bishop Lerum 43, Dean Rev Jediel 63, round 12 Bishop Lerum 44, Dean Rev Jediel 62, round 13 Bishop Lerum 43, Dean Rev Jediel 63 round 14 Bishop Lerum 43, Dean Rev Jediel 63.
It was at the 14th round that the Bishop insisted that he be allowed to say a word. The Chairman was prevailed upon to let him speak. When the Bishop stood up he said, “I thank you all for the support you have given me in the past 15 years of work as Bishop in this diocese. I had wished I was given time to talk even when we were at the third round of voting but the committee did not agree. I see this election getting canal and there is no need we continue this long process. This is not the first time I will accept an outcome of election even when it is inconclusive. I have done it before; therefore we must not repeat what happened in Abuja here. Therefore I plead that we cast our votes for Dean Rev Nyenbenso so that we will get the needed two third to conclude the election.” When he finished talking, the Admin Secretary Mr. Parisa Ishaku said even though the Bishop has withdrawn from the election the required 2/3 must be obtained to have clear records before a winner will be declared. Ballots were shared and voting process went on the 15th time, Bishop Lerum scored 36 votes and Dean Rev Jediel got 70 votes. With which the required 2/3 was met and Dean Rev Jediel Nyenbenso was declared elected.
In his acceptance speech Rev Jediel Nyenbenso thanked God for choosing him to serve Him (God) in another capacity. “I don’t what to say anything about it, but I know it is a task that comes with a lot of expectations; I urge all of you to play your part in this leadership.” Dean Rev Jediel said.
Bonotem Diocese election is one of the three elections conducted this year (2015) in the LCCN. The serving Bishop has served in the Diocese for three terms. He was first elected in the year 2000.  

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