LCCN Karewa District Revival

LCCN Karewa District Revival
The members of Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) Karewa District gathered in a solemn revival programme at LCCN No:3 Police Barracks Yola. The programme took a theme from Proverbs 7:1a which says “My Son keep my words”. The Speaker of the revival Weekend was Rev Rikaya Lusa the secretary to the Bishop of Yola Diocese. Rev. Lusa spoke extensively on the need for Christians to listen and obey the voice of God. He charged the church to remain committed in walking faithfully in the Lord. He said that the cross each Christian must carry should not be ignored or neglected. “Do not let anyone separate you with your cross. Take your cross to the end.” The preacher said it is the endurance in carrying the cross that will yield result in the true Christian race. He also said that it is sad to see some Christians giving up on the way and some very close to their final victory. “A true Christian must remain steadfast until the final hour. You do not have reason to give up on life so easily. Trust in God and he will see you through.”
Rev Lusa also said that no amount of enticement should elude a true Christian. “Everyone has a price but those with wisdom cannot be bought at any price.” According to him all works in the house of God shall be rewarded accordingly.
The clergy charged the church to always focus on getting a good end instead of focusing on the temporary enjoyment that life may seem to offer. “The end of matter is better than the beginning.” He said.
The District Pastor of Karewa District Rev. Boniface G. Shenmi expressed his satisfaction with the response of his members to the Revival programme. He told the Lutheran Today that the Revival programmee was aimed at uplifting the spiritual life of the people. “We set aside these days to get filled once again and prepare our lives for God to use us. I am pleased that the members came out to attend and I want to believe that their lives will not remain the same.” Said Rev. Shenmi.

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