Archbishop condemned Bombings in Mosques

Archbishop condemned Bombings in Mosques
The Archbishop of LCCN Most Rev Nemuel A. Babba condemned in strong terms the attack on worshippers in a Mosque in Yola. He was speaking at the recently concluded Women National Convention that took place in Yola Diocese. The Archbishop stated that it was quite unfortunate that people would go to worship and end up been killed. He asked the church to continue to pray and to remain steadfast, “there is no need to fear anything, because those who kill will also die someday. It does not matter where one dies or who kills one but one thing is certain; all humans will die one day. We must not let the killers feel that we are afraid of them, let them know that when we die we are rested from this troubled world.”
The Archbishop felicitate with the women for celebrating 80 years of existence of the women fellowship in LCCN. He said the women have been instrumental in the spread of the gospel as a group and also praise their effort in supporting the church which is worthy of emulation. The Leader of the Women, Mrs. Mary Solomon thanked the Archbishop for considering them special and also making time to attend their Convention despite his tied schedules.
The Archbishop came to the convention just after his return from a national assignment in Israel. He also brought the women greetings from his wife Mama Kaja Nemuel who was to travel to Europe to see her bedridden brother.

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